I wrote this poem along with a few others while i was a student of literature in the 90's . I didnt give people i knew a reading because i thought it was probably consideed to be a bit pretentious if i painted and did poetry at the same time ... but it was a natural organic way of being creative ... these ideas just poped out of me alredy formed and even tho i have been reading and re reading them for many years , there isnt much that i have changed in them . The Linden trees are extraordinary in the summer months , and i crossed the piazza d'independenza (square) often . I dont know how this poem jumped out of my head , but i only have a few of these which were well formed before they were constructed. Guido thought that poetry was too high up and that ordinary people (the likes of us) couldnt do poetry. But this was to prove him wrong ... poetry does it's own thing. In any case "the secret life of trees" was also a metaphore ..... ...
Opinions about life and culture, A world view of a Woman Artist travelling from The Middle-east to Europe in the 80's, 90's and 2000/2019 ..... Autobiographycal Stories which have been published in the book "A Time For dreamers" (Austin Macauley Publishers) and some self published Stories on Kindle ( "Paris 2015" / "I Believe in You")