I was in staying in a hotel in Paris and shared a room with a handicapped woman (Southern European) who said she was a journalist . She was saying that it was a general conviction and thought that money: was valuble coloured paper which could do good things but had no perfume or colour (meaning that it was good from whereever it came from ) .... No one in their right minds judged the way it looked .... no one asked it questions (like why are you carrying so many bags?) no one said : You stink of pertol or blood or semen. Nobody really cared to ask it :" where do you come from" and or why are you here ? .... An intelligent woman who talked about the dark net as if she knew it well , she would be saying such silly things ..... because that was in the past when no one talked about the origins of things .... now a days certain people want to know everything about the steak they eat ..... which animal is it coming from and when and wher...
Opinions about life and culture, A world view of a Woman Artist travelling from The Middle-east to Europe in the 80's, 90's and 2000/2019 ..... Autobiographycal Stories which have been published in the book "A Time For dreamers" (Austin Macauley Publishers) and some self published Stories on Kindle ( "Paris 2015" / "I Believe in You")