Comment: This is what is happening to me personally and i dont even have an important social status .... i am tracked and very vulnerable to the use of the Watchers who want me to do things for them .... other than being offered friendship by men who i dont know and dont want to know who always have their white ear phones plugged to their ears .... and their mobiles in their hands .... women are always easy game for the "cast of the Tracking profession" .... i have even been told by several people to commit suicide because if i dont play the tracking silencing "game" and become one of "them" then all i deserve is death. Thank you for all the voyeurs who watch a woman in the bathroom and in the toilet ..... do we seek universal prostitution in order to keep a male economy bouyant ? Hey people , i dont like prostitution of any one .... it should not exist and not to be pressured into it is becoming a luxury ! But this has been saving world economy for...
Opinions about life and culture, A world view of a Woman Artist travelling from The Middle-east to Europe in the 80's, 90's and 2000/2019 ..... Autobiographycal Stories which have been published in the book "A Time For dreamers" (Austin Macauley Publishers) and some self published Stories on Kindle ( "Paris 2015" / "I Believe in You")