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Showing posts from November, 2019

The surveillance industry is assisting state suppression. It must be stopped

Comment:  This is what is happening to me personally and i dont even have an important social status .... i am tracked and very vulnerable to the use of the Watchers who want me to do things for them .... other than being offered friendship by men who i dont know and dont want to know who always have their white ear phones plugged to their ears .... and their mobiles in their hands .... women are always easy game for the "cast of the Tracking profession"  .... i have even been told by several people to commit suicide because if i dont play the tracking silencing "game" and become one of "them" then all i deserve is death.  Thank you for all the voyeurs who watch a woman in the bathroom and in the toilet ..... do we seek universal prostitution in order to keep a male economy bouyant ?  Hey people , i dont like prostitution of any one .... it should not exist and not to be pressured into it is becoming a luxury !  But this has been saving world economy for...

UK calls for UN access to Chinese detention camps in Xinjiang

Comment :  actually what is happening to the minority of Rohinga and the Uighurs  and the plight of the Palestinians  are very similar and funnily enough all to do with Muslims and removing these people from their Homeland and taking  all that  rightly belongs to them ... after all who cares and who can save them ? No one is showing up with a Nuclear bomb and waving it about in our faces in order to  save these minorities .... except ofcourse for God's own promise  which says that one day things will "turn round" for the down trodden and the opressed of the world ! Perhaps the Uighurs like the people of Kasaquistan , would be wanting to enjoy the riches of their land being seperate from the Empire and this is what is basically what the brainwashing is about .... because the Abramic tradition does not encourage certain customs and homogenizing a big population is what is happening all over the world. The Abramic tradition itself is in focus because i...

"Die Bestimmte Himmel und die Moralishe Gesetz in mir" ...... "Il cielo stellato e la legge morale dentro di me !" Emanuel Kant

Die Bestimmte Himmel und die Moralishe Gesetz in mir .....  E. Kant

LA Republica : A Verona lo street artist Cibo combatte il fascismo e il razzismo con i murales

arti visive street & urban art A Verona lo street artist Cibo combatte il fascismo e il razzismo con i murales       By   Valentina Poli  - 31 luglio 2018 QUANDO L’ARTE PUÒ DAVVERO FARE LA DIFFERENZA NELLE NOSTRE CITTÀ: CIBO È UNO STREET ARTIST VERONESE, CLASSE 1982, CHE CON IL SUO LAVORO PROVA A CANCELLARE LE SCRITTE E I SIMBOLI D’ODIO CHE AFFOLLANO I MURI COPRENDOLE CON FRAGOLE, ANGURIE, MUFFIN E ALTRE COSE DA MANGIARE. LA SUA STORIA Lavoro dello street artist Cibo “Non lasciare spazio all’odio”  o  “No al fascismo. Sì alla cultura”  e ancora  “Se ci metto la faccia è perché ho la speranza che altri mi seguano nel rendere le città libere dall’odio e dai fascismi, qualsiasi bandiera portino oggi. Scendete in strada e non abbiate paura! La cultura e l’amore vincerà sempre su queste persone insipide!”.  Queste sono alcune frasi che si possono leggere sul profilo Facebook di  Pier Paolo Spinazzè , in ...

From the Guardian : Glimpses of women through time: 130 years of National Geographic images

Glimpses of women through time: 130 years of National Geographic images   On a farm in Kentucky, girls play during a break from a daylong mother-daughter retreat to help girls understand and appreciate their bodies as they change with the onset of puberty. Photograph: Kitra Cahana/Courtesy National Geographic Shares 249 In anticipation of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, National Geographic has published  Women: A Century of Change , a book that draws upon the organization’s expansive 130-year-old archive to showcase photographs of and by women. As Susan Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of the magazine, notes in the introduction, the book is meant to “offer glimpses of women through time – how they were perceived, how they were treated, how much power they had or didn’t have – up to the present day.” The ultimate aim, she writes, is to “bring more women’s lives into the light”. Here are some of our favorite photographs from t...