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Showing posts from September, 2019

From The Guardian : Lessons in Stoicism review – what ancient philosophers teach us about how to live

Lessons in Stoicism review – what ancient philosophers teach us about how to live John Sellars on why the Stoics’ ideas are so popular today – is it self-help, or a lurking machismo? John Sellars Fri 20 Sep 2019  09.00 BST Shares 12   Emperor Marcus Aurelius was, along with Epictetus and Seneca, one of the leading figures in Stoic philosophy Photograph: imageBROKER/Alamy Stock Photo O n 9 September 1965, during the war between Vietnam and the US,  James Stockdale , an American fighter pilot, inadvertently flew his small A-4 Skyhawk into a flak trap. He later recalled his thoughts as he ejected and contemplated his impending capture: “Five years down there, at least. I’m leaving the world of technology and entering the world of Epictetus.” We all react differently, and unpredictably, in moments of great peril: in this case Stockdale was drawn back to an inspirational philosophy class he had taken three years earlier, and to a...

From The Guardian: " The Vagina ! " ":Our collective reluctance to say ‘vagina’ shrouds women’s bodies – and their sexuality – in shame ":

Comment : The Vagina is where each and every one of us come out into the world !  What has kept everyone from giving it the Prima Linea place that it deserves ?  is it a question connected to false prudery ? Our collective reluctance to say ‘vagina’ shrouds women’s bodies – and their sexuality – in shame   @nicoheath Mon 16 Sep 2019  05.44 BST Last modified on Mon 16 Sep 2019  13.25 BST Shares 115   Grey Lines with Black, Blue and Yellow by Georgia O’Keeffe on display at Tate Modern, London. Photograph: Rob Stothard/Getty Images W hen Dr Jen Gunter, a US-based gynaecologist, and her publisher, Kensington Books, sought to promote her new book on Twitter, they ran into trouble. The problem was the title: The Vagina Bible. It appeared that  “vagina” was red-flagged  by Twitter Ads as “inappropriate language”. Gunter was understandably  outraged : “When we’re not allowed to say a word the imp...

My Comment :From The Guardian; "From mind control to murder? How a deadly fall revealed the CIA’s darkest secrets"

My comment ; when in 1992 my  Swedish flat mate Carina  told me that there were amazing breakthroughs in scientific research on the paranormal and extraordinary mind powers .... i was wondering what on earth she meant by these extraordinary discoveries by the then US top world scientists .... Some years later i got to experience these new Uber mensch , super powers in my own life when i had to sell my property.  Interfering entities did nothing for me but bring misery .... which i certainly  didn't deserve .... but perhaps now i can be happy with the thought that "they" did it to every one and i was not the only one to be picked on.  "The creators of misery " were only after "the fruit off the trees" because they had experienced extreme dark times.  It is as if North Koreans (suffering from various regimes who does not give people normal food "if any "to eat) should (by a Hideous joke of destiny) be let loose on  the Europeans  throu...