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Showing posts from June, 2019

True Story About leaving Eritrea; Christians Perishing at the Hands Of ........

I suffered in my country but never like I did in the Sahara desert on my way to Libya July 13, 2016 My name is M. I am from the capital of Eritrea. I arrived in October 2013.  I will not speak much about my personal life but more generally about the situation in Eritrea. I’m afraid of the life of my family who still lives in Eritrea.  When all of my family will be out of Eritrea I will testimony in detail. Both of my parents were fighting in the Eritrean army I spent the first years of my life living in a kind of orphanage because both of my parents were fighting in the Eritrean army against Ethiopia for the independence. My family is not educated. Their lives were all about fighting for Eritrea. My father fought 28 years against Ethiopia. My mother 17 years. In 1991, after the war, I stayed in another orphanage  till my father took me out of there. From then on, I grew up with my mother. Editor’s note: The Eritrean War for Independence...

True story of a man ; Refugee; a lawyer from Iraq (post Saddam)

Iraq. I had a stable life till I was appointed by the government to defend war criminals I come from Basra the third biggest city in Iraq I finished my law studies in 2003 and began then to climb the levels of advocacy in the private sector. In Iraq, you first have to start with the lowest level of advocate. The first stage called A only allows you to work on social affairs like divorce for example. Then you access civil law. Finally, level G allows you to work in the field of criminal law. I quickly became very famous in Basra, I never lost a single case in all my career. I had a stable life till I was appointed by the government to defend war criminals. After the war, when Saddam fell, the Americans established together with the Iraqi government the highest criminal court for war crimes. All top officials of Saddam Hussein’s regime were arrested and put into jail. Even if there was no doubt they were responsible for genocide war crimes and they all would get dea...

True story of a girl ; A Refugee ; (A Syrian Girl)

I was born in Moscow At that time my father was working in Russia. Me, my parents and my little brother used to live there. Each summer, my mother, my brother and me used to travel to Syria to see our family and friends while my dad had to stay in Moscow for work. My father would join us for a week or two. Though I missed his company a lot, summer in Syria was amazing. I remember counting the days until summer vacation would start. I remember my favorite thing was waking up early in the morning with all of my cousins (and there was a lot of us) to go picking apples. We would spend hours in the farm creating new games, playing cards and trying to cook for ourselves until the evening when we would all dress up and go for a walk. We would hear the music playing from the restaurants. We would dance, sing and take pictures. Still, the best part of summer was visiting our other cousins in Tartous. It was our favorite city because it was close to the sea and what is better than going...

my comment ; The Man In The High Castle" film

my comment; They have made so many stories out of Philip K. Dicks stories ....  it sets one to wonder about what is happeneing today ....  If you imagine a successful secular world which is  against the monoteistic Abramic religions ..... and specifically what is happening with the Uighur population today ....  you may get my drift..... I read the book called "The Man In The High Castle"  some time ago ......   written by Philip Kindred Dick  in which the recent history of the second world war is reversed,  and  following on that train of thought you can imagine a world governed by the efficient Orientals who have managed to take over  whole  civilizations and are governing it ........   Chinese style.  The masses are kept in their place by facial recognition technologies and other Stasi methods; and surveillance is everywhere,  the only thing that comes in the way of world government is "faith" in a...

(Comment) Plan demands Palestinians put a price on their surrender or risk losing even more ground .....From The Guardian

my comment; In my visions of the future , i see the turn of events in todays world (tecnology being the key factor)  having a positive effect on the people living in the region.  Isreal today will find itself  closer to the Arabs than to any other people in the world and animosities born out of cunning schemings to divide and rule will change into  heart felt clinging together of the decendents of Abraham .  God willing the time will come when the force of circumstance will throw together the intellectual mind with the emotional and the combination will produce great things.  I often wonder how long  we will have to wait for this total reversal of the scenario ......   Why the Palestinians are still in the same position as they have always been ! ....   They are not  allowed to become a stable nation even now after all these years of struggle for the home land which they  lost 71 years ago (it was through no fault of...