The world's best building? A remote Brazilian school made out of wood This year’s Royal Institute of British Architects prize goes to the timber and mud-brick Children Village, which doesn’t need air-con even in 45 degree heat Oliver Wainwright @ollywainwright Wed 21 Nov 2018 00.01 GMT Last modified on Wed 21 Nov 2018 00.03 GMT Shares 4,373 Comments 202 The complex is a model of light-touch environmental design, providing a huge expanse of shade … Children Village by Brazilian designer Rosenbaum and architects Aleph Zero. Photograph: Leonardo Finotti/Rosenbaum Arquitetura 2017 A forest of eucalyptus columns extends inside the expansive dormitory complex of the Canuanã school in northern Brazil , as if the nearby woodland has taken over the building. Between the soaring trunks stand clusters of little mud-brick rooms arranged around open courtyards, while a wafer-thin metal canopy floats above the...
Opinions about life and culture, A world view of a Woman Artist travelling from The Middle-east to Europe in the 80's, 90's and 2000/2019 ..... Autobiographycal Stories which have been published in the book "A Time For dreamers" (Austin Macauley Publishers) and some self published Stories on Kindle ( "Paris 2015" / "I Believe in You")